Root Zone Management in North Dakota Coal Mine Reclamation

dc.creatorDeibert, E.
dc.creatorSmith, Charles M.
dc.creatorPole, M. W.
dc.creatorSchroeder, S.A.
dc.creatorMelsted, S.W.
dc.creatorHalvorso, G. A.
dc.creator.authorDeibert, E.
dc.creator.authorSmith, Charles M.
dc.creator.authorPole, M. W.
dc.creator.authorSchroeder, S.A.
dc.creator.authorMelsted, S.W.
dc.creator.authorHalvorso, G. A.
dc.descriptionWheat yields on trenches simulating reclamation were improved by 18-inch thick first lift "topsoil" over three textures of overburden as compared with a thickness of 9 inches, according to the first year's results. For coarse textured overburden best yields were obtained with a minimum of compaction plus 27 inches of first lift. The addition of second lift material over gravelly sandy loam overburden improved grain yield when 9-inch thick first lift was used, and also increased yield for 18-inch thick first lift when this coarse textured overburden was noncompacted. Compaction of overburden material placed in the trenches by scrapers resulted in lower wheat yields than no compaction. Subsidence was almost equal on compacted and noncompacted trenches after one year:en
dc.relation.ispartofFarm Research; 37:6; May/Jun 1980
dc.rightsNorth Dakota State Universityen
dc.sourceFarm Research; 37:6; May/Jun 1980
dc.titleRoot Zone Management in North Dakota Coal Mine Reclamationen
