Exploring Communication Used Between the Marginalized and the Hegemonic
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North Dakota State University
The underclass, the underprivileged, and the impoverished are in an ongoing
fight to get their voice heard. To accomplish a vocal position in society, this group
must overcome a dismantling by their privileged adversaries. Success is first
achieved by exhibiting fierce resilience. Next, it is important for this silenced group
to defend and justify their need to be heard.
The intent of this study is to illustrate the communication that exists
between marginalized groups and hegemonic groups. Marginalized groups are
faced with oppression by hegemonic groups. How the marginalized sustain
themselves through communication is the thrust of this study.
The method of observation is through three lenses: rhetorical criticism,
ethnography and case study. This portfolio concludes that communication between
divergent groups is vital; communication ushers in understanding of other cultures;
and communication generates a platform for dialogue.