Use of Soybean Hulls in Drylot Cow-Calf Diets

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North Dakota State University


One hundred and twenty-one Red Angus beef cows were used to evaluate the effects ofsoybean hull inclusion in drylot beef cow diets. Cows were stratified by age, body weight (BW),and body condition score (BCS), and randomly assigned to treatment (n = 4 pens per treatment).Treatments included a control diet (CON) and soybean hull diet (SBH). Beef cow BW, BCS,ultrasound backfat (BF) measurements, colostrum quality, and milk production were evaluated.Beef calf performance was evaluated based on birth weight, weaning weight, ADG, andultrasound measurements of BF, rump fat, and ribeye area at weaning. Dam BW, BCS, and BFmeasurements were not affected (P ≥ 0.12) by treatment. Additionally, calf birth and weaningweights were unaffected (P = 0.30). The present study demonstrated that soybean hulls can beincluded in beef cow diets at 26% of dietary DM without altering cow and calf outcomes.



beef cow, calves, colostrum, drylot, performance, soybean hulls
