Staying Above Water
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For over 100 years, Red River floods defined the cities and people who experienced the rising waters – not only due to the destruction, but the feelings and relationships developed during a time of restoration. Some areas may still show the wear and tear of the flood, but nearby restaurants, shops, and other small businesses are alive and bustling. The images in the exhibit show a community with some scars, but one that continued to thrive.
The subject of floods was chosen for the Fargo-Moorhead portion of the traveling exhibit and was a collaboration between Trista Raezer-Stursa, University Archivist, Minnesota State University Moorhead; Chelsea Olmsted, Legacy of the Lakes Museum, Alexandria, Minnesota; and Susanne Caro, Government Information Librarian, North Dakota State University Libraries.
Disasters: Stories we share, a traveling exhibit is funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Each host site created an exhibit banner based on events in their community. Additional content was included in the virtual exhibit
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