Designing for Play in Island Park
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North Dakota State University
‘Planning for Play in Island Park’ is a design thesis based meant to identify a realistic and
multifaceted response to the removal of Ash Trees (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) from Fargo
North Dakota’s downtown Island Park. Within evaluating the site a clear need for playground
redevelopment and expansion was identified due to it’s context within the community.
Development and design of the project is rooted in providing opportunity for play to occur.
Types of play are referenced from developmental psychology research and organized
within the site with consideration of age. Designing for Play exists on multiple layers within
the project. Directly designing for play for ages 2-5 and ages 6-12 and indirectly presenting
areas for play within a proposed sculpture garden that serves as event space for the Fargo
Moorhead Community Theatre that currently exists within the site.
playgroung design, defining play, EAB, Fargo