Joint Compression and Encryption
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North Dakota State University
This research work proposes two techniques of joint compression and encryption using
Shanon Fano Elias coding and Arithmetic coding respectively. The first scheme proposed
is called Adaptive Shannon-Fano-Elias code where it has been observed that the
complexity of attacks is exponential in m, where m is the length of the string being
compressed. Since mis usually very large (> 220
), the security of our scheme is very high.
The main reason why our scheme's security depends on m is the fact that all attacks require
the ciphertext to be scanned from left to right. The algorithm proposed does not
compromise in the compression ratio produced by normal Shannon Fano Elia coding. The
second scheme proposed uses Arithmetic coding as the compression algorithm as
Arithmetic coding is one of the optimal compression techniques that can be used in various
applications. The algorithm proposed is proved to be secure under an assumption that the
attacker would have access to an algorithm which could decrypt any given message
without the knowledge of the key.