Innovation Hour: A Qualitative Case Study of a School-Wide Advisory
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North Dakota State University
Innovation Hour is a unique advisory program that was created at Anywhere High
School to foster increased student connectedness to school. Having a strong connection to
school may help students thrive, building capacity and protective factors. A qualitative
case-study methodology was used to explore the two research questions. First, what were
students’ and staffs’ experiences with the creation and implementation of Innovation
Hour at Anywhere High School? Second, did Innovation Hour meet the driving goal of
connecting students to school? Four focus groups with students, teachers, and school
counselors were conducted. A thematic data analysis was performed, and four themes
were identified. A belief in Innovation Hour’s student-led delivery and service focus
emerged. Further, while buy-in and logistical challenges were significant, the students
were resilient in their eagerness to lead. Limitations and directions for future research, as
well as recommendations, were discussed.