Are You a Good Partner? Using the Situation Judgment Test Method to Identify and Measure Romantic Competence

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North Dakota State University


We devised a measure seeking to assess competency within romantic relationships using a scenario-based paradigm that was informed by the situation judgment test (SJT) and emotional intelligence literatures. Pilot data revealed positive correlations between romantic competence (RC) and romantic relationship outcomes such as satisfaction and self-efficacy within romantic relationships. To further research of this type, we conducted a study examining daily romantic behaviors, feelings, and motivations, while also collecting partner and peer reports. Results revealed that RC was a significant predictor of romantic success as quantified by self-perceptions and peer reports, and some of these relationships remain significant when controlling for personality and attachment style. Somewhat surprisingly, RC did not predict partner perceptions. Regardless, RC was a robust predictor of the daily outcomes, suggesting that RC has daily manifestations. The bulk of the evidence supports the idea that RC is an important individual difference within romantic relationships.


