Cultural District: Nexus of Cultures: How Can Architecture Be Utilized to Reshape Narratives of Nationalism and Foster a Sense of Global Unity Within a Responsive Sustainable Cultural District in Aden, Yemen?

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North Dakota State University


The world today is increasingly divided along nationalistic lines, with people often forgetting their shared humanity in favor of their national identities. It is disheartening to observe the rise of divisive nationalism, fostering an "us versus them" mentality. This categorization of individual based on nationality often leads to conflicts and undermines the shared humanity that should bind us together. The need to rekindle a sense of global unity becomes apparent, and architecture can serve as a powerful tool in reshaping these narratives, which can also serve as a potent tool for expressing and reinforcing nationalistic sentiments. This research aims to explore the potential of architecture in redefining nationalism and fostering unity among people, by aiming to create spaces that celebrate cultural diversity, emphasize shared values, and foster a sense of collective identity. The focus is on designing a Culturally Responsive Sustainable Cultural District in Aden, Yemen. A region historically known as "Arabia Felix" or “Happy Arabia”. The intent is to evoke the region's historical happiness and unity, using modern Islamic architecture as a vehicle for cultural expression and cohesion. The research will investigate why Aden is an ideal site for this project, the importance of this development for the people of Yemen, and how it can serve as a solution to the problem of divisive nationalism.


