A Biomechanical and Electromyographic Analysis of Elite Shot Putters at a Division I University
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North Dakota State University
In effort to understand the most optimal technique for shot put throwing, researchers have investigated the individual factors of the throw that may contribute to elite level performances. Two techniques are commonly utilized by shot put throwers, known as the glide and rotational techniques. Within research studies, electromyography (EMG) and kinematic motion capture (MOCAP) analysis technologies are common data collection tools utilized by the authors. Within the dynamic shot put throwing movement, muscle activations and kinematic positions demonstrated by a thrower in motion will vary throughout the four phases of the throw, which are commonly referred to as: initiation, flight, landing, and completion phase In the current analysis of shot putters (n = 12, Males = 6, Females = 6), EMG analysis was conducted on seven muscles throughout the four phases of the throw: Rectus Femoris (RF), Biceps Femoris (BF), Gastrocnemius (GAS), Triceps (TRI), Latissimus Dorsi (LAT), External Oblique (EO), and Gluteus Medius (GM). The majority of MOCAP data variables within the current study were analyzed in the landing phase: Shoulder-Hip (S-H) Separation and Trunk Angle in the X, Y, and Z planes. Additionally, the maximum height which the thrower achieves during the flight phase, referred to as Peak Height of Center of Mass (PCOM), was analyzed using MOCAP. Significant relationships were found between thrown distance and activation of RF, EO, LAT, and GAS, with some differences existing between technique groups. For MOCAP data, significant relationships were found between thrown distance and angles of trunk inclination and trunk lateral flexion, with some differences existing between groups of technique and sex. The findings of this study are practical to track and field coaches in their understanding of the muscle activations in various phases of the throw as well as kinematic positions exhibited by athletes in the landing phase.
Electromyography, Kinematics, Motion Capture, Shot Put