Three Nocturnes for Piano by Jackson Berkey: An Analysis and a Study in Performance Practice
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North Dakota State University
This dissertation explores three nocturnes for piano composed by Jackson Berkey. Chapter one and two present a biography of Jackson Berkey and his thoughts about music. Only limited information is available concerning Mr. Berkey’s musical career and his piano music in written form or on the internet, but two one-on-one interviews with the composer provided valuable supplementary information for this study. In order to view Berkey’s nocturnes within the historical context of the nocturne genre over the past 200 years, chapter three provides a brief historical overview of the nocturne. Chapter four is an analytical discussion of three of Berkey’s 24 nocturnes: No. 13 in F-sharp Major: Homage to Robert Schumann; No. 20 in C Minor: Music in the Night; and No. 22 in G Minor (no subtitle). Analytical considerations are melodic, motivic, harmonic, and structural. After grouping Berkey’s 24 Nocturnes into three title-based categories, I selected one nocturne from each list for analysis. The three categories are grouped according to three title formats: homages to composers and poets identified by subtitles; those with descriptive titles; and those simply titled “nocturne.” Chapter five examines Berkey’s interpretive indications regarding pedaling, dynamics, and tempo. Final conclusions and closing remarks comprise chapter six. These three Nocturnes will provide a broad-based introduction to Berkey’s compositional techniques and to his unique musical language, all of which serve to broaden the stylistic traditions of the nocturne genre. Another goal of this study is to demonstrate compositional and pianist validity within Jackson Berkey’s 24 nocturnes as new pedagogical and performance alternatives to traditional nocturne repertoire.