Alfalfa Management in North Dakota

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2010-06-22, 1975

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North Dakota State University



Most alfalfa for livestock is preserved as loose or baled hay, using many types of labor-saving machines. The popularity of self-propelled swathers and various flail-type harvesters has increased rapidly in the last several years. Swathing usually decreases the harvesting cost as compared to conventional mowing and raking ($0.60 vs 1.78/ ton. Swathing may improve forage quality under good drying conditions by reducing leaf loss which occurs during raking. However, swathers frequently leave higher stubble heights as compared to stubbles remaining after conventional mowing, which possibly reduces forage yield. Producers have suggested that higher stubble heights also may result in faster regrowth. A study concerning the influence of stubble height and harvest frequency on Vernal alfalfa stand maintenance, forage production, forage quality and regrowth rate was examined during 1966-71. The article concerns itself with this topic.

