Modeling and Solving Multi-Product Multi-Layer Location-Routing Problems
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North Dakota State University
Distribution is a very important component of logistics and supply chain
management. Location-Routing Problem (LRP) simultaneously takes into consideration
location, allocation, and vehicle routing decisions to design an optimal distribution
network. Multi-layer and multi-product LRP is even more complex as it deals with the
decisions at multiple layers of a distribution network where multiple products are
transported within and between layers of the network. This dissertation focuses on
modeling and solving complicated four-layer and multi-product LRPs which have not been
tackled yet. The four-layer LRP represents a multi-product distribution network consisting
of plants, central depots, regional depots, and customers. The LRP integrates location,
allocation, vehicle routing, and transshipment problems.
Through the modeling phase, the structure, assumptions, and limitations of the
distribution network are defined and the mathematical optimization programming model
that can be used to obtain optimal solutions is developed. Since the mathematical model
can obtain the optimal solution only for small-size problems, through the solving phase
metaheuristic algorithms are developed to solve large-size problems. GRASP (Greedy
Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure), probabilistic tabu search, local search
techniques, the Clarke-Wright Savings algorithm, and a node ejection chains algorithm are
combined to solve two versions of the four-layer LRP. Results show that the metaheuristic
can solve the problem effectively in terms of computational time and solution quality. The presented four-layer LRP, which considers realistic assumptions and limitations such as
producing multiple products, limited plant production capacity, limited depot and vehicle
capacity, and limited traveling distances, enables companies to mimic the real world
limitations and obtain realistic results. The main objective of this research is to develop
solution algorithms that can solve large-size multi-product multi-layer LRPs and produce
high-quality solutions in a reasonable amount of time.