Design of High Power Density Switched Capacitor DC-DC Converter

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North Dakota State University


Design and implementation of high power density and high efficiency dc-dc converters has been a primary component for reducing energy cost. Traditionally dc-dc converters are composed with silicon based technology that has limited switching frequency hence, increased volume of passive components and lower efficiency. This research presents a novel type of multilevel modular switched capacitor dc-dc converters with comprehensive design and multiple variant prototypes. Previous versions of traditional multilevel modular switched-capacitor dc-dc converters have a low switching device voltage rating. Additionally, the proposed circuits share all the advantages from the multilevel modular switched capacitor type converters such as soft switching, low voltage device rating, bidirectional operation, high conversion ratio, extremely high or low environment temperature operation, basic control algorithm, and modular structure. The converters in this research are found to be superior due to the simple structure, soft switching, and low conduction loss and, 97% or higher efficiency.


