Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 10
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    Burckhardt, Frances
    (2000-02-27) Burckhardt, Frances; Gross, Brother Placid
    Interview on 27 February 2000, Bismarck, North Dakota. Conducted by Brother Placid Gross.
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    Metz, Celestina (Wolff)
    (1998-01-20) Metz, Celestina (Wolff); Gross, Brother Placid; Metz, Anton "Tony"
    Interview with Celestina (Wolff) Metz with comments by husbarnd, Anton "Tony" Metz, on January 20, 1998 in Dickinson, North Dakota. Conducted by Brother Placid Gross.
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    Brilz, Ida
    (2000-01-08) Brilz, Ida; Gross, Brother Placid
    Interivew with Ida Brilz on January 8, 2000 in Richardton, North Dakota. Conducted by Brother Placid Gross.
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    Schneider, Hedwiga Masseth
    (1997-10-07) Schneider, Hedwiga Masseth; Gross, Brother Placid
    Interview on 7 October 1997, Bismarck, North Dakota. Conducted by Brother Placid Gross.
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    Moch, Martha Vetter
    (2000-09-26) Moch, Martha Vetter; Gross, Brother Placid
    Interview on 26 September 2000, Braddock, North Dakota. Conducted by Brother Placid Gross.
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    Kambeitz, Elizabeth Gross and Ken
    (1998-10-16) Kambeitz, Elizabeth Gross; Kambeitz, Ken; Gross, Brother Placid
    Interview on 16 October 1998, Richardton, North Dakota. Conducted by Brother Placid Gross.
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    Jundt, Christina (Gross)
    (1998-10-14) Jundt, Christina (Gross); Gross, Brother Placid
    Interview with Christina (Gross) Jundt on October 14, 1998 in Rugby, North Dakota. Conducted by Brother Placid Gross.
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    Dammel, Reuben
    (2000-09-20) Dammel, Reuben; Gross, Brother Placid
    Interview on 20 September 2000, Medina, North Dakota. Conducted by Brother Placid Gross.
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    Messer, Frank and Theresia
    (2000-01-16) Messer, Frank and Theresia; Gross, Brother Placid
    Interview on 16 January 2000, Richardton, Minnesota. Conducted by Brother Placid Gross.
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    Metz, Anton "Tony"
    (1998-11-17) Metz, Anton (Tony); Gross, Brother Placid
    Interview on 17 November 1998, Dickinson, North Dakota. Conducted by Brother Placid Gross.