Search Results

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    Bundestreffen #6
    Bundestreffen, June, 1996, Stuttgart, Germany. (left to right): Brother Placid Gross, Richardton, ND; Anton Wangler, Stuttgart, Germany; and Hiller Goehring, Lodi, CA. Tour members visit the Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Rußland in Stuttgart. Mr. Wangler is the executive director of the Landsmannschaft with relatives in North Dakota.
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    Miscellaneous #9
    Iron cross standing in the cemetery near Kathariental.
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    Miscellaneous #6
    Former Catholic church in the village of Speyer (Beresan Enclave) and today a Ukrainian Orthodox church.
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    Miscellaneous #13
    New Ukrainian home built for Germans returning from Siberia and Kazakshstan near the former German village of Peterstal (Liebental Enclave) near Odessa.
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    Miscellaneous #21
    Interior of the former Catholic church in the village of Mannheim (Kutschurgan Enclave).
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    Bundestreffen #1
    Bundestreffen, June, 1996, Stuttgart, Germany. (left to right): Lydia (Schwan) Klein, Esslingen, Germany; Emilie (Bäcker) Schwan, Rechberghausen, Germany; and Edwin Iszler, Streeter, ND.
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    Bundestreffen #5
    Bundestreffen, June, 1996, Stuttgart, Germany. Hiller Goehring (left) at the Amerika Haus information tables reviewing maps with Germans who have recently immigrated from Siberia to Germany.
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    Miscellaneous #30
    Mildred (Dockter) Thurn presents gift to women in former German villages.
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    Miscellaneous #32
    Wrought iron cross in Beresan villages.
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    Miscellaneous #28
    (left to right): Tour members Brother Placid Gross, Richardton, ND; two middle persons unknown; and Pius Gross, Phoenix, AZ.