Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 61
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    Kutschurgan #3
    Nativity of Mary Catholic Church, Mannheim. Catholic Church of the Assumption, Selz. (l-r): Mary Lou Mitzel Roller, Antonina, Cindy Mitzel Longtin and Loretta Mitzel Huschka standing in Selz.
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    Miscellaneous #8
    Mary Lou Leintz Bueling (left) shares letters from North Dakota children with Ukrainians in the former Bessarabian German village of Krasna (today Krasnoe, Ukraine).
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    Miscellaneous #11
    The small chapel in the Krasnoe cemetery built with contributions from former Bessarabian Germans living in Germany.
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    Miscellaneous #15
    Cattle in the pasture.
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    Miscellaneous #31
    Church in Alsace, France.
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    St. Petersburg #4
    St. Petersburg, Russia.St. Petersburg.
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    Miscellaneous #16
    Distant view of a former German village.
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    Kutschurgan #8
    Nativity of Mary Catholic Church, Mannheim. Catholic Church of the Assumption, Selz. (l-r): Mary Lou Leintz Bueling, Antonina, Loretta Mitzel Huschka reviewing the village plan of Selz.
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    St. Petersburg #13
    St. Petersburg, Russia. (l-r): Dave Geck, videographer, and Bob Dambach, producer, Prairie Public Television, Fargo, ND, in front of Catherine the Great statue.
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    Miscellaneous #28
    Farm home in Alsace, France.