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    Alcohol and the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
    (1961) Whittaker, James O.
    This study is one of the first formal attempts to systemically investigate the use of alcohol-related problems among members of a major Indian Tribe. The study is regarded as a pilot or preliminary study since neither finances nor personnel were sufficient to attack the problem in all its details.
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    Problems on the Cheyenne River and Standing Rock Reservations Arising from the Oahe Project
    (1950) Missouri River Basin Investigations Project
    This report is issued as part of the program of the Department of the Interior for development of the Missouri River Basin
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    Family Plan and Rehabilitation Programs, Standing Rock Reservation
    (1964) Missouri River Basin Investigations Project
    This report describes the principal provisions of the settlement made by the United States for Standing Rock Sioux Indian properties acquired for the Oahe Reservoir, and the main uses made of settlement funds by Standing Rock Sioux Indians. It analyzes various individual and tribal programs supported by settlement and rehabilitation funds and presents the views of a sample of Indian people regarding these programs.