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    Beatrice and Francis Business Plan
    (North Dakota State University, 2014) Mlekwa, Rosemary
    Beatrice and Francis (B&F) is a fashion design house envisioned by fashion designer Rosemary Mlekwa (RM). This business plan serves as the framework for the development of B&F. The plan highlights how the fashion house intends to debut into the intensively competitive fashion industry and provides insight on the Designs’ product offering and overall vision and mission. Through the vision of RM, B&F aims to grow into a fashion powerhouse offering high end, quality designs to a niche market at lower prices than the competition. Each B&F creation expresses unique femininity, merged with Tanzanian culture and influenced by nature, architecture, people, culture, history and romance. B&F offers a new look based on simplicity, individuality and femininity. The business plan has been developed based on guidelines provided by the US small business Administration. (, 2014).
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    Visual Merchandising Strategies for Small Businesses
    (North Dakota State University, 2014) Henry, Karen
    The sole purpose of this research was to focus specifically on visual merchandising strategies for small apparel stores since little research had been done on these types of stores. Visual merchandising literature to-date left small apparel retailers with little guidelines in deciding which visual merchandising strategies are more appropriate for their operations. This study addressed how participants responded favorably to six visual merchandising strategies (store layout/design, color, lighting, music, fixtures, and window displays) and how applying these strategies may benefit small apparel stores. The results suggest that these six visual merchandising strategies were instrumental with increased purchase intentions, traffic, loyalty, and the overall success for small apparel businesses. The findings were consistent with previous literature which evaluated the benefits of visual merchandising strategies for large businesses. This study will be useful to small apparel businesses looking to expand their knowledge base on visual merchandising strategies.