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    Comparative Analysis of Interface Usability for Cybersecurity Applications
    (North Dakota State University, 2021) Andrews, Wyly West
    In cybersecurity, understanding the technologies and the best ways to interface with them is paramount for staying ahead of growing cyberthreats. Developers of cybersecurity software will benefit greatly from a greater understanding of how users prefer to interact with cybersecurity technology. In the modern world, two primary interface methods are currently used: the command-line interface (CLI) and the graphical user interface (GUI). This study is a survey and introspective into what benefits and drawbacks that each method has when in the hands of users who do not have a comprehensive background in cybersecurity. Untrained individuals showed proficiency when working with GUI systems, showing that developing modern cybersecurity systems with GUIs would improve ease of use for such individuals. Additionally, the CLI was favorable for more complex operations but was difficult for users who were not accustomed to the CLI.
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    The Design of Virtual Reality Based Data Visualization and User Interface Design in a Semi-Automated Cyber-Security Research Application
    (North Dakota State University, 2019) Tipparach, Santipab
    Virtual Reality is currently an affordable and consumer ready technology used by many in the games and interactive media industry, however unlike the user interface standards in mobile, PCs, and Macs, VR UI design can vary in complexity and usability. VR has many times been linked in films, TV shows, and animation as a method for navigating through cyberspace. It has been portrayed to be involved in the process of hacking a computer on some network. This study will look at approaches to developing a UI system using cyber-security research applications as a basis for designing a framework. Throughout, this research will analyze the different approaches to UI design and data visualization, extract relevant information, and find out what approaches will help improve the VR software front end design.