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    Development and Validation of Feedback-Based Testing Tutor Tool to Support Software Testing Pedagogy
    (North Dakota State University, 2020) Cordova, Lucas Pascual
    Current testing education tools provide coverage deficiency feedback that either mimics industry code coverage tools or enumerates through the associated instructor tests that were absent from the student’s test suite. While useful, these types of feedback mechanisms are akin to revealing the solution and can inadvertently lead a student down a trial-and-error path, rather than using a systematic approach. In addition to an inferior learning experience, a student may become dependent on the presence of this feedback in the future. Considering these drawbacks, there exists an opportunity to develop and investigate alternative feedback mechanisms that promote positive reinforcement of testing concepts. We believe that using an inquiry-based learning approach is a better alternative (to simply providing the answers) where students can construct and reconstruct their knowledge through discovery and guided learning techniques. To facilitate this, we present Testing Tutor, a web-based assignment submission platform to support different levels of testing pedagogy via a customizable feedback engine. This dissertation is based on the experiences of using Testing Tutor at different levels of the curriculum. The results indicate that the groups using conceptual feedback produced higher-quality test suites (achieved higher average code coverage, fewer redundant tests, and higher rates of improvement) than the groups that received traditional code coverage feedback. Furthermore, students also produced higher quality test suites when the conceptual feedback was tailored to task-level for lower division student groups and self-regulating-level for upper division student groups. We plan to perform additional studies with the following objectives: 1) improve the feedback mechanisms; 2) understand the effectiveness of Testing Tutor’s feedback mechanisms at different levels of the curriculum; and 3) understand how Testing Tutor can be used as a tool for instructors to gauge learning and determine whether intervention is necessary to improve students’ learning.
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    Developing and Validating Active Learning Engagement Strategies to Improve Students' Understanding of Programming and Software Engineering Concepts
    (North Dakota State University, 2020) Brown, Tamaike Mariane
    Introductory computer programming course is one of the fundamental courses in computer science. Students enrolled in computer science courses at the college or university have been reported to lack motivation, and engagement when learning introductory programming (CS1). Traditional classrooms with lecture-based delivery of content do not meet the needs of the students that are being exposed to programming courses for the first time. Students enrolled in first year programming courses are better served with a platform that can provide them with a self-paced learning environment, quicker feedback, easier access to information and different level of learning content/assessment that can keep them motivated and engaged. Introductory programming courses (hereafter referred to as CS1 and CS2 courses) also include students from non-STEM majors who struggle at learning basic programming concepts. Studies report that CS1 courses nationally have high dropout rates, ranging from anywhere between 30-40% on an average. Some of the reasons cited by researchers for high dropout rate are lack of resource support, motivation, lack of engagement, lack of motivation, lack of practice and feedback, and confidence. Although the interest to address these issues in computing is expanding, the dropout rate for CS1/CS2 courses remains high. The software engineering industry often believes that the academic community is missing the mark in the education of computer science students. Employers recognize that students entering the workforce directly from university training often do not have the complete set of software development skills that they will need to be productive, especially in large software development companies.
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    Understanding the Patterns of Microservice Intercommunication From A Developer Perspective
    (North Dakota State University, 2022) Nadeem, Anas
    Microservices Architecture is the modern paradigm for designing software. Based on the divide-and-conquer strategy, microservices architecture organizes the application by furnishing it with a fine-level granularity. Each microservice has a well-defined responsibility and multiple microservices communicate with each other toward a common goal. A momentous decision in designing microservices applications is the choice between orchestration or choreography-based modes as the underlying intercommunication pattern. Choreography entails that microservices work autonomously while orchestration entails that a central coordinator directs the interaction between services. We arbitrate this decision from a developer’s perspective by empirically evaluating the properties of a benchmark system mapped into both orchestration and choreographed topologies. In this research, we document our experience from implementing and debugging this system. Our studies demonstrate microservices composed using orchestration exhibit desirable inherent characteristics that make microservice code easier to implement, debug, and scale.