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    Nutrient Management News, March 2011
    A quarterly newsletter aimed to bring producers and technical support staff up to date information that pertains to animal feeding operation's nutrient management plans and environmental issues. It will contain a compilation of articles and press releases from Extension and Department of Health personnel. Inside this issue: Cleaning Manure Handling Equipment; Spring Pen Cleaning; Manure Spreader Calibration Saves Money
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    Nutrient Management News, March 2010
    A quarterly newsletter aimed to bring producers and technical support staff up to date information that pertains to animal feeding operation's nutrient management plans and environmental issues. It will contain a compilation of articles and press releases from Extension and Department of Health personnel. Inside this issue: Cost and Benefits of Manure Application Timing; Why Remove Manure From Lots and Barnyards?; Manure Testing for Nutrient Management
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    Nutrient Management News, October 2010
    A quarterly newsletter aimed to bring producers and technical support staff up to date information that pertains to animal feeding operation's nutrient management plans and environmental issues. It will contain a compilation of articles and press releases from Extension and Department of Health personnel. Inside this issue: Manure Sampling and Spreader Calibration are Essential to Nutrient Management Plans; NDSU Offers Tips to Beat High Fertilizer Prices; Sand Bedding Dairy Cattle
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    Nutrient Management News, June 2010
    A quarterly newsletter aimed to bring producers and technical support staff up to date information that pertains to animal feeding operation's nutrient management plans and environmental issues. It will contain a compilation of articles and press releases from Extension and Department of Health personnel. Inside this issue: Manure Compost and Cover Crops; How often should I scrape my open lot pen surfaces?; Bedding Materials Used in Compost Dairy Barns
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    Nutrient Management News, January 2010
    A quarterly newsletter aimed to bring producers and technical support staff up to date information that pertains to animal feeding operation's nutrient management plans and environmental issues. It will contain a compilation of articles and press releases from Extension and Department of Health personnel. Inside this issue: Feeding DDGS results in phosphorus changes in manure; Composting Manure; Managing Winter Feeding Areas
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    Nutrient Management News, January 2011
    A quarterly newsletter aimed to bring producers and technical support staff up to date information that pertains to animal feeding operation's nutrient management plans and environmental issues. It will contain a compilation of articles and press releases from Extension and Department of Health personnel. Inside this issue: Winter Time Nutrient Management; What is a Vegetative Treatment System?
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    Nutrient Management News, June 2011
    A quarterly newsletter aimed to bring producers and technical support staff up to date information that pertains to animal feeding operation's nutrient management plans and environmental issues. It will contain a compilation of articles and press releases from Extension and Department of Health personnel. Inside this issue: summer management tips; how to control feedlot odors; composting reduces manure volume