Lundberg, Eric Thomas2018-05-012018-05-012016® Diathermy is a continuous shortwave diathermy device (CSWD) used as a portable heating modality. No studies have shown surface tissue temperatures of ReBound® treatments. The purpose of this study was to investigate if the ReBound® Diathermy unit produced skin temperatures in an ankle garment sleeve. The study called for 20 healthy, collegeaged (18-30 years) males to participate in a single treatment session. Surface thermocouples were placed following the anterior aspect of the ankle. The session included a 30-minute treatment in which skin temperatures were recorded at each site every 5 minutes. The ReBound® Diathermy unit did not produce an increase in skin temperatures on the anterior aspect of the ankle. Skin temperatures were significantly different between baseline and all time intervals. Each site immediately decreased after 5 minutes of treatment for all sites. Remaining temperatures recorded stabilized and increased at each site, but did not return to baseline temperatures.NDSU Policy 190.6.2 of Skin Temperature Increases with ReBound DiathermyThesis