Liu, Chao2017-09-182017-09-182012 dissemination is an important issue for mobile ad-hoc communities. This issue is very challenging due to the dynamic and fragile nature of the mobile ad-hoc networks, in which participants have limited computing resources and battery, intermittent network connections, and mobile tasks. To address the aforementioned issue, this thesis proposes an efficient semantics-based publish/subscribe strategy. In our proposed publish/subscribe system, distributed mobile participants are organized into clusters based on their location proximity. A compact semantics-based indexing scheme is provided to guide information flow. Intra- and inter- cluster routings are proposed to assist efficient propagation of event notifications. A comprehensive set of simulation experiments prove the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.NDSU Policy 190.6.2 communication systems.Routing (Computer network management)Efficient Publish/Subscribe System over Mobile Ad-Hoc NetworkThesis