Quist, Thomas2018-07-062018-07-062017https://hdl.handle.net/10365/28426The rise of postmodernism, following the fall of modernism after WWII, brought about new modes of thinking, understanding, and living in America. Postmodernity is often neglected or glanced over by historians. Those who mention it do it either in passing or use it as a pejorative, yet it has had huge effects and ramifications on American culture during the second half of the 20th century. By exploring the thought, culture, and film of a postmodern America a deeper connection between history and postmodernism is formed. The transitions from noir to neo-noir films (which mirrors the transition from modernity to postmodernity) offers an avenue into understanding postmodern thought and culture. By using film as an intermediary it becomes apparent how neo-noir films were postmodern artifacts being watched and absorbed by a postmodern society. By linking the changing postmodern thought to culture and film a greater understanding of historical postmodernity becomes apparent.NDSU Policy 190.6.2https://www.ndsu.edu/fileadmin/policy/190.pdfAmerican Thought, Culture, and Neo-Noir in the Era of PostmodernityThesis