2014-11-252014-11-251972https://hdl.handle.net/10365/24432The article focuses upon the infectious bovine virus, Infectious bovine hinotracheitis, an infection of the upper respiratory tract in cattle. It was a well-known fact that this virus produces abortion, often in epizootic proportions. This virus can also produce infection of the genital tract, digestive tract, nervous system, mammary tissue and the eyes. The problem with this is that infected dams frequently exhibit no signs of impending abortion. Abortions sometimes occur following an outbreak of respiratory illness in animals maintained on the same premises. This article presents a survey of North Dakota cattle producers that was conducted to determine the relative effect of the use of modified-live IBR virus vaccines on the incidence of abortion in cattle.North Dakota State UniversityInfectious Bovine RHINOTRACHEITIS Immunization and Relationship to Incidence of AbortionArticle