Slocomb, Matthew Charles2017-05-092017-05-092017 purpose of this study was to determine the impact that using Twitter as an educational tool had on an upper level high school Sociology course. The research compared 2014 courses which used an online discussion board to 2015 courses which used Twitter for discussion. No significant differences in mean student grades were found between the two groups, suggesting that Twitter is a viable alternative to online discussion boards for blended learning. The research also compared student engagement between the two groups, and found a probable increase in student engagement through Twitter. In addition to these comparisons, a pre and post survey was given to the 2015 student group. The surveys showed a positive shift in perception of Twitter as an educational tool from the start of the class to the end.NDSU Policy 190.6.2 -- Study and teaching (Secondary).Education -- Effect of technological innovations on.High school students -- Attitudes.Academic achievement.To Tweet or Not To Tweet: An Analysis of the Effect of Twitter on Secondary Student Performance, Engagement, and AttitudesMaster's paper