Davy, Daniel2012-05-132012-05-132012https://hdl.handle.net/10365/20228This thesis approaches the issue “As technology further develops our abilities to communicate across distance, what role will public space play, if any, in the future shaping of our cities?” The Theoretical Premise/ Unifying Idea that guides the research is, “The digital world must not be allowed to become a cheap substitute for our tactile and perceptual experience of the world.” The Project Justification is, “An abandonment of the tactile world, though voluntary, is a de-evolution of the way we experience, communicate, and appreciate the world. An architecture that reaffirms the delight and surprise inherent only in the tactile world of perception is necessary for a society that seeks to communicate and better itself.”NDSU Policy 190.6.2Workshops.Community education.Public spaces.Chicago (Ill.)Illinois.Digital OasisThesis