2009-05-192009-05-191977https://hdl.handle.net/10365/4431Small oats are grown for forage for livestock. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the performance of selected oat varieties for forage quantity and quality. The study discussed was initiated in 1972 with 11 varieties chosen for their maturity and plant height. Figure 1 gives us the average forage yield of all 11 oat varieties as influenced by maturity for 1972, 1973 and 1974. Figure 2 shows us the average forage yield of medium to late maturing oat varieties as influenced by plant height for 1972, 1973 and 1974. Table 3 gives us a summary of agronomic data collected on 11 oat varieties in 1972, 1973 and 1974.Tables 4 and 5 give varietal comparisons of oat hay harvested at milk stage. Table 6 the concentrations of calcium, magnesium and potassium along with the ratios of potassium to calcium plus magnesium. The oat variety Lodi came out on top.North Dakota State UniversityForage cropsOatsAn Evaluation of Oat Varieties for ForageArticle