Keith, Jill Fabricius2016-03-142016-03-142016 Indians and Alaskan Natives (AIAN) have the lowest rates of college retention and graduation in the U.S. Additionally, AIAN face health disparities including higher rates of obesity/overweight and Type 2 diabetes. The study purpose was to explore the effects of a culturally relevant life skills curriculum delivered in a family-style environment on self-efficacy, healthy choices, and college retention in tribal college students over four separate semesters. A non-experimental cohort design using mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative) was utilized for the study. Participants in the study (full study completion, n=9; initial participants, n=26) were purposively sampled newly enrolled, academically under-prepared tribal college students. Participant demographics included various tribal affiliations, ages, and number of dependents. Research instruments included pre- and post-questionnaires and pre- and post-telephone interviews. General self-efficacy did not increase significantly, nutrition knowledge increased but not significantly, and nutrition attitudes and beliefs were not different between pre- and post-intervention. Dietary analysis reflected improved intake of healthy choices, however none of the participants met dietary recommendations for any food group. Eating behaviors such as eating in front of the TV decreased. Retention of students within-semester was lower among participants than overall students at the tribal college. However, semester-to-semester retention rates of Life Skills at a Tribal College participants who completed the course were significantly higher than those participants who did not complete the course and significantly higher than overall semester-to-semester retention rates at the tribal college. Qualitative analysis revealed a variety of barriers and strategies for making healthy food choices. Addressing self-efficacy and perception of capabilities regarding making healthy food choices can help AIAN students feel more capable of success and impact the quality of their diet. However, challenges remain to college retention and improving dietary intake to meet recommendations.NDSU Policy 190.6.2 Skills at a Tribal College: Effects of a Culturally Relevant Educational Intervention on College Retention & Self-efficacy for Healthy Choices among American Indian Tribal College StudentsDissertation