Bridgelall, RajChan, Douglas S.Berger, Toby2017-12-062017-12-062004Chen, Douglas S., Berger, Toby, and Bridgelall, R., "Energy Efficiency of CSMA Protocols for Wireless Packet Switched Networks," Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Vol. 1, pp. 447-452, March 21-25, 2004. Bridgelall is the program director for the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute (UGPTI) Center for Surface Mobility Applications & Real-time Simulation environments (SMARTSeSM).The finite battery power in wireless portable computing devices is a motivating factor for developing energy efficient wireless network technologies. This paper investigates energy efficiency, relating it to throughput and packet delay for both non-persistent and p-persistent CSMA, two protocols popularly applied in current wireless networks; for example, the widely adopted IEEE 802.11 WLAN standards are based on p-persistent CSMA. For high message generation by the members of a finite population, we find that non-persistent CSMA is optimized for energy efficiency, throughput and delay are impacted negatively, whereas p-persistent CSMA can effectively optimize all three with the same network settings. Our results help illuminate the suitability of each CSMA scheme for various wireless environments and applications.en-USIn copyright. Permission to make this version available has been granted by the author and publisher. Efficiency of CSMA Protocols for Wireless Packet Switched NetworksArticle0000-0003-3743-6652