Pickett, Courtney2013-05-102013-05-102013https://hdl.handle.net/10365/22865These documents have been reviewed by Safe AssignmentThis thesis project invited the exploration of the boundaries between indoor and outdoor spaces. In fact, a boundary does not need to exist. To explore the impact of architecture in public spaces and an existing urban context, the typology for this thesis project is a public corridor. When designed properly, the users are no longer faced with a boundary, but a chance to create their own perception of the surrounding environment. This mixed use public space in Lafayette, Lousiana would change the views of designers and the society as a whole. Integrating this type of Urban Design will show users how architecture, nature and the city’s lively culture can coexist.NDSU Policy 190.6.2Corridors.Mixed-use developments.Lafayette (La.)Louisiana.Urban "Gumbo": A Mixed-Use Public Corridor in Lafayette, LouisianaThesis