Arlt, Robert2011-05-122011-05-122011 thesis explores the relation between narrative and (im)material: investigating traditional means of making architectural media while testing and generating representation with film (narrative) in the pursuit of a haptic, architectural 'facilitator.' The investigation will be a hybrid typology of a wayside rest area with accommodations for tourists and travelers and also a water research facility for ecological research, training and global awareness. The architecture conceives experiences of space-time through a series of choreographed moments that reflect the context, a deep glacial history embedded in the horizon. What we do depends on who we are; but it is necessary to add also that we are, to a certain extent, what we do, and that we are creating ourselves continually. -Henri BergsonNDSU Policy 190.6.2Roadside rest areas.Hydrological stations.Ecology -- Research.Grand Marais (Minn.)Minnesota.Events MachineThesis