Sun, Liren2016-12-292016-12-292016 assembly of next-generation sequencing reads is one of the most challenging and important tasks in bioinformatics. There are many different types of assembly algorithms and programs that have been developed to assemble next-generation sequencing reads. However, the assembly quality of each assembly program may vary. This paper introduces and implements two different assembly approaches that use three types of next-generation sequencing datasets. Both assembly approaches are designed to achieve the same goal, which is to improve assembly quality. The assembly results from the two approaches were compared and evaluated by using some widely used quality metrics. The result shows each approach has advantages and disadvantages.NDSU Policy 190.6.2 alignment (Bioinformatics)Nucleotide sequence.Genomics.Computer algorithms.Design and Evaluation of Two Hybrid Genome Assembly Approaches Using Illumina, Roche 454, and PacBio DatasetsMaster's paper