McLaughlin, Augustin2019-06-112019-06-112019 City Manhattan is mixed-used urban development located on the East River in the New York Borough of Manhattan. Surrounded by the densely packed concrete jungle of Midtown, Park City is a project that takes an alternative approach to urban development by heavily incorporating interior and exterior green spaces based on the local natural environment. While New York contains parks such as Central Park and The High Line, most of the city is lacks dense greenery and open space that the public can enjoy. To create a successful and realistic development, research for the project will involve statistical analysis of Manhattan’s problematic real estate market. The research will uncover data which allows a proper program for the development and give a solid base for the design process.NDSU Policy 190.6.2Mixed-use developments.Joint occupancy of buildings.Manhattan (New York, N.Y.)New York.Park City ManhattanThesis