Hudson, Ashley2011-05-122011-05-122011 thesis is intended to transfer urban theory to a rural place in such a way that it respects rural systems, and the result will be a hybrid solution. A design process will be set up to investigate the possibilities of the development of a rural school into a full-service "Community School." The desired result is strong community engagement and the successful incorporation of entities that will increase the number ad quality of services in the school district as a whole. In this process, the developmental stages will be approached in such a way that creates an armature for a small rural development that can grow as needed. Research presented throughout this document supports the theory that "integrated focus on academics, health and social services, youth and community development, and community engagement leads to improved student learning, stronger families, and healthier communities"(McKoy, Bierbaum, & Vincent, 2009, pg 5).Landscape architecture.Rural development.Community development.School buildings.Community SchoolThesis