Chyle, Adam Christopher2017-10-162017-10-162013 were conducted to evaluate Proceed Plus (prothioconazole & tebuconazole & metalaxyl & clothianidin), bixafen, Prosaro (prothioconazole & tebuconazole), Baythroid XL (beta-cyfluthrin), with ‘Glenn’ and ‘Oklee’ hard red spring wheat cultivars in a systematic, multichemical program approach for management of tan spot disease and fusarium head blight, both fungal diseases of wheat. Grain yield was lowest with the control treatment (3900 kg ha-1) and highest with the treatments including seed treatment, herbicide, early fungicide, late fungicide, and late insecticide (4400 kg ha-1). Additional experiments were conducted to evaluate early tan spot control in ‘Alsen’, hard red spring wheat, with bixafen fungicide. Grain yield was highest with fenoxaprop-p-ethyl & pyrasulfotole & bromoxynil & mefenpyr safener plus pyraclostrobin (3710 kg ha-1) and lowest with propoxycarbazone-sodium & mesosulfuron-methyl plus 30g ai/ha-1 of bixafen (3400 kg ha-1). Although objectives were met in both studies, the research pointed the way toward necessary future research.NDSU policy 190.6.2 of a Systematic, Multichemical Program Approach for Wheat Pest Management and Evaluation of a New Fungicde for Tan Spot in Spring Wheat (Triticum Aestivum. L.)Thesis