2014-08-012014-08-011949https://hdl.handle.net/10365/23529The topic was the effects of insecticide applications on potato yields in North Dakota in 1949. A plot, located at Northwood, N.D., sown with certified Bliss Triumph seed planted on May 9 and treated with 3-12-12 fertilizer was the crop discussed in this article. An early appearance of 'blight' appeared in these. The crop was treated with the fungicidal, Dithane. Aphicidal investigations, the sources of insecticides, the source of fungicide, DDT 3% versus DDT 5% dusts and the summary of the 1949 treatments give insight into this the treatment of this disease.North Dakota State UniversityInsecticidal Applications and Potato Yields in North Dakota for 1949Article