Tabert, Casey2012-05-102012-05-102012 thesis project, titled Restore, critically analyzes how an architectural experience can have psychological healing effects on service members and their families who have been affected by the repercussions of war and deployment. The guided idea behind this claim is, “In order for positive change to occur, it is important to provide a facility where the emotional and psychological effects of architectural experience are researched, understood, and implemented. The result of this experience will improve the quality of life and restore a sense of belonging in service members and their families.” The justification for this project is, “People are affected everyday by traumatic events such as war. Service members who are returning from war find themselves in a very difficult situation. They are left to deal with many things mentally, physically, and emotionally.” The typology is a veteran support facility located in St Cloud, Minnesota, for service members returning from deployment and for their families. This facility provides temporary housing for transitional service members and their families while they get the help they need to restore them to a healthy civilian lifestyle. Research was done using a mixed method approach. Qualitative data was collected through periodical and archival research, site visits, and direct interviews. Quantitative data was collected through archival research. These two types of data were continually integrated throughout the stages of the research process to ensure comprehensive examination of the premises. Total Square Footage: 27,000 sq ftNDSU Policy 190.6.2Mental health facilities.Veterans -- Mental health -- Services for.Saint Cloud (Minn.)Minnesota.Restore: Veteran support facilityThesis