Mazaheri, Lucy2019-02-152019-02-152018 common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), the main seed storage pests are the bruchid beetles. Damage done to the seed by the larvae has a large impact on seed quality and yield. Arcelin (ARC), phytohaemagglutinin (PHA), and α-amylase inhibitor (α-AI) are linked seed storage proteins that form the APA locus on chromosome Pv04 and are associated with resistance. A major breeding objective is to introduce bruchid resistance into common bean from a resistant tepary genotype, G40199, by introgressing the resistant APA locus into susceptible common bean backgrounds. Here we developed a molecular marker that tracks the introgression. A set of PCR primers to the α-amylase inhibitor locus amplified a DNA fragment that showed a 45 base pair insertion in the middle of a lectin Leg_b domain. This enhanced locus characterization and insertion/deletion marker may preclude the need for bruchid resistance screening early in the breeding.NDSU policy 190.6.2 bean -- Seeds -- Diseases and pests.Bruchidae -- Control.Common bean -- Disease and pest resistance -- Genetic aspects.Development of a Molecular Marker to Track APA G40199 Introgression in Common Bean for Bruchid ResistanceThesis