Christensen, Jeney Anne2013-05-312013-05-312013 purpose of this paper is to gain a better understanding of how body image can impact the self-esteem and confidence of female athletes. As the media and public image of professional female athletes becomes increasingly more sexualized, the pressure continues to rise for youth and collegiate female athletes to not only to excel at the sports they participate in, but also be what society deems attractive. These demands lead to harmful behaviors such as disordered eating, over-exercising, and certain drug abuse which, in turn, can result in serious health issues or even death. Continuous study and exploration of female body image – especially in the case of athletes – can aid those involved in battling above mentioned behaviors resulting from poor body image.NDSU Policy 190.6.2 athletes -- Attitudes.Body image in women -- Psychological aspects.Body image in women -- Social aspects.Women athletes -- Health and hygiene.Self-esteem in women.A Deeper Understanding of Female Athlete Body ImageMaster's paper