2009-06-242009-06-241979https://hdl.handle.net/10365/5227By 1979, experiments to determine optimum seeding rates for wheat and other cereals had been conducted by nearly every experiment station in the state of North Dakota. As the direct result of these, seeding methods had become rather standardized in most localities. This paper concerns itself with summarizing a study that was conducted in western North Dakota which was undertaken to determine the effect of seeding rates on agronomic performance of semi-dwarf and standard hard red Spring wheat and durum, each differing in kernel size and weight. The trial discussed was initiated in 1969. The procedure, results and discussion, yields and other agronomic data are given. Yields were maximizedmost consistently at one million plants per acre, regardless of variety or type of wheat. As seed size influences the seeing rate expressed by weight, it was suggested that 1,000 kernel weight of the planting seed be used to determine the optimum seeding rate of wheat.North Dakota State UniversityWheatSowingThe Effect of Seeding Rate on Spring Wheat Yields in Western North Dakota - An UpdateArticle