Johnson, Zach2013-05-092013-05-092013 a lack of appreciation and the underestimation of the importance and benefits a sustainable ecosystem can provide in today’s society, it has become a topic that needs to be tended to. A great way to approach the design of sustainable sites, is to follow the guidelines of The Sustainable Sites Initiative(SITES), as well as find a project that can utilize them, and raise awareness in the publics eye. With the large budget and exposure a stadium receives, it is a strong development type to pair with the guidelines for SITES. This pairing can positively regenerate both sustainable ecosystems and an understanding of the importance they can carry today.Sports facilities.Brownfields.Hazardous waste site remediation.Sustainable development.Arden Hills (Minn.)Minnesota.4th And Sustainable: A Balanced Design Approach For The Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant (Arden Hills, MN)Thesis