Gram, Ryan2016-05-172016-05-172016 If we could create social change with the schools we build? What if we could build these schools with local partners, and not dig deeper into our tax payers wallet? Schools have been built largely the same way with the same ideas for over 100 years, but largely to the disservice of the children they serve. Schools are expensive projects but they serve an important population. By looking for strategic local partners better schools can be built and can target local challenges. This school partners with local food corporations of the Minneapolis area to build a school utilizing the growing of food, harvesting and preparation as a curriculum enhancer. As a byproduct of this immersion curriculum the children of this school will benefit from fresh foods that they may not be receiving at home. Just like a CSA program, the students will be able to bring home boxes of produce home to share with their families creating change beyond the school walls. The goal of this project was not to only show one specific model, but to illustrate the potential in any community to face any issue when looking at what partners are there to help.NDSU Policy 190.6.2Elementary school buildings.School buildings.Public-private sector cooperation.Crowd funding.Urban agriculture.Urban schools -- Curricula.Minneapolis (Minn.)Minnesota.The Integration of Urban Agriculture into the Modern Elementary Education Curriculum - Public Private Partnership as a Community Engaged Design Venture, A Delivery Model for Stronger SchoolsThesis