Mayer, John Christopher2022-06-102022-06-102021 sprayer control systems aim to improve accuracy and reduce waste in spray application. The objective of this study was to determine an optimum prescription map cell size/resolution that is compatible with current technology. A prescription map with several cell sizes was created and tested in field conditions to evaluate the effect different cell size parameters have on spray accuracy. The outcomes show that the dependent variable cell width had the greatest effect on application accuracy (p-values < 0.05), followed by cell length, and that an optimum cell width of 1.5 m [4.92 ft], a length of 3.05 m [10 ft], and application speed of 10.3 km h-1 [6.4 mph] is recommended. To further refine this analysis, the testing should be expanded with the inclusion of a variety of manufacturers and equipment and a test prescription map with a truly randomized cell distribution to better reflect actual field conditions.NDSU Policy 190.6.2 Prescription Maps for In Field Evaluation of Parameters Affecting Spraying Accuracy of a Self-Propelled SprayerThesis