2010-02-092010-02-092010-02-09https://hdl.handle.net/10365/7387Identified as family portrait, circa 1893, as Margaretha Wolfert Buck's (born 1854, Friedenstal, Bessarabia) brother Andrew Wolfer and his wife Neumann with three unidentified children [one daughter is Margaretha Wolfer Gackle in front of Andrew]. Ludwig Buck, Jr.'s uncle is Andrew Wolfer; however Ludwig Buck, Jr. (son of Johann (Michael) Buck and Margaretha Wolfert) has Uncle Ludwig Buck, Sr., whose wife is Christina Neumann (probably a sister to Mrs. Andrew Wolfer). Photographer is Fischer and Company, Valley City, North Dakota. Photo courtesy of Ludwig (Lewis) Jr. and Christina Graf Buck Collection.Photographic image. Black and white. Portrait of a family. Man and woman are seated with two young children (one girl and one boy) standing between them. There is also a young girl standing in front of the man. Identified as the Andrew Wolfer and his wife (Neumann?) with three children. One daughter is Margaretha Wolfer, who is standing in front of Andrew. Circa 1893. Photographer is Fischer and Company, Valley City, North Dakota. Courtesy of Ludwig and Christina Graf- Buck Collection, 2001.13, GRHC.[2001.13.060] Portrait of the Andrew Wolfer family