Bednar, Gregory2015-05-152015-05-152015 thesis project focused on the design aspects of integrating assisted living care facilities with a childcare facility or an animal shelter. The Eden Alternative nonprofit has conducted research and has shown the benefits to health and quality of life by continuing to grow through having responsibilities and a purpose through all stages of life. This design project answers the question of how to arrange the building spatially to allow for this project. It also answers the questions of sustainability, logistical needs, spatial progression, flexible use of space as well as the high utilization of spaces at all times. Due to the baby boom generation getting closer to retirement and the need for assisted care living situations, a solution for how to humanely, sustainably, and economically provide housing for this generation is needed. I do this through passive climate control systems, integrating childcare with assisted living conditions and with the assistance of space utilization software such as AnyLogic software to reduce the prohibitively expensive nature of such housing quarters. The project will be located in downtown Minneapolis for its need for both animal shelter space and nursing home living quarters. A downtown setting is a very advantageous place for an assisted care living facility. It is a very active space which connects the different generations together, and allows for elderly with reduced mobility to still get out and see an active world around them.NDSU Policy 190.6.2Nursing homes.Congregate housing.Day care centers.Minneapolis (Minn.)Minnesota.Urban elder careThesis