Miller, Richelle Lorraine2017-11-062017-11-062012 was conducted to evaluate a novel means to euthanize piglets utilizing electromagnetic energy. Experiment 1 assessed if electromagnetic energy could result in a euthanized piglet and Experiment 2 evaluated states of consciousness of piglets. During Experiment 1, six piglets were exposed to 40 seconds of electromagnetic energy (EME). Respiration rate was reduced to zero in each piglet immediately following EME and unassisted death occurred after heart rate ceased within 4.8 minutes after EME in five of the six piglets. Treatments during Experiment 2 included EME for 3, 6, or 9 seconds. State of consciousness and treatment interaction affected (P < 0.01) electroencephalogram amplitude and power. State of consciousness affected (P < 0.01) electroencephalogram frequency and heart rate. Treatment and EME interaction also affected internal body and head surface temperatures (P < 0.01). Piglets exposed to 9 seconds EME had higher (P < 0.01) body temperature compared with other treatments.NDSU policy 190.6.2 of a Novel Means to Euthanize PigletsThesis