Anar, Mohammad Jahidul2018-03-272018-03-272018 (Beta vulgaris) is considered as one of the most viable alternatives to corn for biofuel production as it may be qualified as “advanced” biofuel feedstocks under the ‘EISA 2007’. Production of deep rooted sugarbeet may play a significant role in enhancing utilization of deeper layer soil water and nutrients, and thus may significantly affect soil health and water quality through recycling of water and nutrients. A model can be useful in predicting the sugarbeet growth, and its effect on soil and water quality. A sugarbeet model was developed by adopting and modifying the Crop Environment and Resource Synthesis-Beet (CERES-Beet) model. It was linked to the Cropping System Model (CSM) of the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology (DSSAT) and was termed as CSM-CERES-Beet. The CSM-CERES-Beet model was then linked to the plant growth module of the Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM2) to simulate crop growth, soil water and NO3-N transport in crop fields. For both DSSAT and RZWQM2, parameter estimation (PEST) software was used for model calibration, evaluation, predictive uncertainty analysis, sensitivity, and identifiability. The DSSAT model was evaluated with two sets of experimental data collected in two different regions and under different environmental conditions, one in Bucharest, Romania and the other in Carrington, ND, USA, while RZWQM2 was evaluated for only Carrington, ND experimental data. Both DSSAT and RZWQM2 performed well in simulating leaf area index, leaf or top weight, and root weight for the datasets used (d-statistic = 0.783-0.993, rRMSE = 0.006-1.014). RZWQM2 was also used to evaluate soil water and NO3-N contents and did well (d-statistic = 0.709-0.992, rRMSE = 0.066-1.211). The RZWQM2 was applied for simulating the effects of crop rotation and tillage operations on sugarbeet production. Hypothetical crop rotation and tillage operation scenarios identified wheat as the most suitable previous year crop for sugarbeet and moldboard plow as the most suitable tillage operation method. Both DSSAT and RZWQM2 enhanced with CSM-CERES-Beet may be used to simulate sugarbeet production under different management scenarios for different soils and under different climatic conditions in the Red River Valley.NDSU policy 190.6.2 Model Development for Soil and Water Quality AssessmentDissertation