Nelson, Aaron Dean2016-12-302016-12-302016 study focuses on the learning characteristics of young adolescent children and their unique learning needs. The study evaluates the implementation of a transition team to develop interventions in reading and math to support students in transition from an elementary school setting to a junior high school setting. This analysis of the nature of the child in transition from elementary school to a middle level setting, will guide the re-design and improvements necessary to ensure every child is receiving a quality educational experience. The research found measurable improvements in student assessments, particularly math, when compared to previous classes as a result of intervention efforts in reading and math. Transition efforts implemented as a part of this study resulted in improved awareness for seventh grade students and a more positive experience based on survey results of both parents and students.NDSU Policy 190.6.2 school studentsJunior high studentsMiddle school educationStudent adjustmentMathematics -- Study and teaching (Middle school)Reading (Middle school)Effective teachingTeaching teamsRoseau Community Schools (Roseau, Minn.)Using Transition Teams to Support Middle Level LearnersMaster's paper